Pubg mobile is now one the most famous mobile in the World and also counts on Mobile sports games at the world level. Do you know how many people play PUBG mobile in India? It starts from the PC, firstly Pubg was played on PC maybe you heard the name Shroud is one of the best player in Pubg PC version game. But now in India Pubg mobile is one the greats game most of the people of India is playing Pubgand Pubg Sensitivity always matter for PC player or mobile Player.
If want to be a “GOOD” player or want to play a “GOOD” game, sensitivity always matters in gameplay. Good sensitivity means effective control & good control means great gameplay. It makes it easy to handle the situation which makes it worth playing to get the “Chicken Dinner in Players Unknown Battleground”.
Is Sensitivity Settings A Big Factor In “PUBG MOBILE”?
Pubg Sensitivity always depends on your “Mobile”, which type of mobile you have because most of the time the gyro sensitivity does not work properly in low smart devices. Although sensitivity also matters for none gyro players like BTR LUXXY, they need to control more than gyro players with their thumbs.
Pubg Sensitivity settings for mobile are the biggest factor for players if they want to increase their KD(Kill-Death ratio). Many users use NolagVPNs to maintain their ping during gameplay for better performance.
As I’m also playing Pubg mobile when it starts from season one and I got that point the sensitivity is the bigger factor in your gameplay which helps in battel during gameplay. Always remember that all the famous players always depend on their sensitivities which always help them to play in a better mode. Even though some of them have a low device but they always try to make matter their gameplay better by adjusting their sensitivities in Training mode.
Have you ever noticed that whenever you went into training mode? There were always players tiring to control their sensitivities by Aiming and Shooting some points with all weapons. In order to control your sensitivity or find, what is going to be helpful for you take look below to know more about sensitivity settings for Pubg mobile.
There Are Three Type In Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile
If you discover the best sensitivity for PUBG MOBILE, then there is the first thing you need to know is how many types of sensitivities there inside the game. These are the settings categories.
- Camera sensitivity settings
- ADS sensitivity settings (Aim Down Sight sensitivity settings)
- Gyroscope sensitivity settings
Each sensitivity has its own role in the game which will help to make your gameplay improve and makes your overall experience better. If you remember that when your play first-time PlayersUnknown Battleground Mobile, the game provides you with the default settings of each sensitivity. But these standard values may not be what is your desire to acquire great performance. So after playing and watching some games, you will be doing experiments on your settings until you get satisfied with your performance. Always remember that Finding the finest sensitivity setting is a process, not something you can achieve on the first try.
How To Decide Good Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile?
In order to find out about your sensitivity setting for Pubg mobile. There are two ways for that the first one is to copy someone’s sensitivity and try to make perfect control of yourself by practising it. The second one is to go into the training mode or play more games to try to find out your sensitivity in that option you will be full of control. Because you keep playing and this for long term and then you can make changes according to yourself.
Maybe you heard that “Practice Makes Perfect”, so that’s the thing your need to do to make perfect your gameplay or find out sensitivity to what you want. By doing all these things you can be one of them like Mortal, Scout, Mavi, Shroud, and Jonathan. Also, If you perform better then you can get free skins in PUBG mobile.
So just start doing this and always take training mode for a few minutes to make yourself perfect with “Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile”. There is more information about sensitivity settings for Pubg mobile check out below.
Best Camera Sensitivity Setting For PlayersUnknown Battleground Mobile

Your camera sensitivity setting in Pubg mobile is used whenever you look around in-game. Searching for targets or enemies or typing to orient yourself. It helps you a lot in aiming, handling the camera, spotting enemies and also reaching or targeting the point.
These are the general settings for the game camera sensitivity for the PUBG Mobile.
- Camera: 130%
- TPP: 115%
- FPP: 105%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 60%
- 2x scope: 75%
- 3x scope: 25%
- 4x scope: 10%
- 6x scope: 20%
- 8x scope: 10%
Best ADS Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile

ADS helps you to aim better than usual. Your preciseness accuracy enhances especially if the sensitivity is right. This is very important for playing, So the correct aim helps you to kill more enemies.
- TPP No scope: 110%
- FPP No scope: 110%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 60%
- 2x scope: 40%
- 3x scope: 30%
- 4x scope: 30%
- 6x scope: 20%
- 8x scope: 10%
Best Gyroscope Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile

In PlayersUnknown Battleground, the gyroscope sensitivity is an important feature that will allow you to play the game without touching your fingers. It helps you to react so fast, so you can react instantly towards enemies.
- 3rd Person (TPP) No Scope: 300%
- 1st Person (FPP) No Scope: 300%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 300%
- 2x scope: 300%
- 3x scope: 180%
- 4x scope: 180%
- 6x scope: 80%
- 8x scope: 50%
These all are the Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile of each mode and each setting is very important to play PlayersUnknown Battleground. Because they all will help to play good and take control according to your self, even also helps you to get good tiers and k.d too.
How To Restore PUBG Mobile Sensitivity Settings And Controls?
In order to restore the sensitivity settings of Pubg mobile, you need to follow a few steps.
- Step one – open your Pubg mobile settings section and then go to the sensitivity tab.
- Step two – Go to Low and then went back to customise tab.
It will help you to change its like default settings after that your change it according to yourself or keep it as it is.
What Is The Best Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile For M416 PUBG?
M416 the 5 mm gun sensitivity are different according to all scopes so let’s a ha quick look below in order to find for M416 Pubg.
- 3rd person no scope: 235-250 %
- 1st person no scope: 230-250%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 25-35%
- 2x scope: 33-45%
- 3x scope: 34-45%
- 4x ACOG scope, VSS: 26-31%
- 6x scope: 29-24%
These all are the Pubg Sensitivity Settings For Mobile which will help to set as you want but according to the scope so you can use sensitivity settings for Pubg mobile in a great way.